Saturday, December 31, 2011


I've been reading Rolina van Vliet's books on painting abstracts and appreciate her love for teaching. My work is influenced by colour, rhythm and movement.  This 8"x10" watercolor is created using glazes, puddles of colour being shaken and spatters.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beyond Time

This is an 8"x10" watercolor created by allowing watercolors to flow into each other.  Details include toothbrush splatterings and placing puddles of color and tilting the paper.  I've always wanted to paint the Cosmos and this one is moving closer to that goal.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Follow My Lead

I once read that an artist recommended  keeping all old or discarded work.  After simmering for months or even years, the answers to problems would show themselves.  This piece represents the change of heart it took to become interested again.   It is an 11"x 14" watercolor.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Enso

Enso is a Japanese word for “circle.” The act of creating an Enso is contemplative as one clears the mind and allows a single, fluid brush movement to flow around the paper. The Enso also symbolizes Absolute Oneness, strength, elegance, The Universe and The Void. (Wikipedia)

As I strive for balance between improving my skills and actually enjoying the artistic process, it became clear that “where I am” doesn’t matter. What matters is the joy of creating and discovering ways that this energy comes through the art.

Friday, October 7, 2011


There just seem to be flowers calling for portraits. This is an 8"x10" watercolor.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Naughty Marietta

Last week I met with Dolly Duquette, artist/friend/teacher/mentor/inspirational being. She reviewed a stack of paintings and I mentioned how these little flowers were joyful and inspirational. Years ago, she had given me the "antique marigold" seeds, but this visit told me they were called "Naughty Marietta."  A friend of hers had completed an operatic run of "The Naughty Marietta" and had to purchase the namesake marigolds. She shared seeds with Dolly for her garden who shared them with me. It made me smile how the energy of opera, flowers, gardens, friends and art were entwined.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fall Marigolds II

The subtle color shifts and patterns are delightful in the garden Marigolds.  It's as if they remind me to have fun, enjoy the endless patterns of change, and soak in the blue sky and orange palette of fall.  Now I need to learn to paint bees.  This is an 11"x14" watercolor. SOLD

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fall Marigolds

Sometimes I just want to let go and paint a painting. This is an 8"x10" watercolor of Marigolds.

Monday, July 25, 2011

San Juan Mountains

The San Juan Mountain Range in the San Luis Valley continues to inspire. This is an 8"x10" watercolor.

...not the San Juan Mountain Range, but it is an 8"x10" watercolor.

One of Marc Johnston's photos outside of Westcliffe.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Red Shed

There is something about the San Luis Valley.  It could be the Sangre de Cristo mountain range to the east or the San Juans to the west.  It could be the light.  Whatever it is, it makes me grateful for the freedom to evolve as an artist.  This painting is an exercise in values and composition.

...Out of the San Luis Valley almost to Poncha Springs.

Monday, May 30, 2011

May in the Dunes

May was an interesting month for artwork. Ideas for the 8th painting in the abstract series evaporated, but a trip to Sand Dunes National Park proved inspirational. Playing on the Dunes was joyous fun, but learning to paint them, not so much. However, it was fun to see the grid patterns in photos of the dunes and get a deeper feel for the abstract design in realism. This is an 8"x10" watercolor.

We spent Saturday, May 21th at the Dunes during the rapture, and if you can't come up with a good rapture joke, don't worry, it's not the end of the world.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Spring Green II

A year ago, this blog came into life and the process taught me: it's not what the art looks like but how to make art consistently.  The wonderful encouragement of friends and family is at the heart of that!  So thanks y'all.  This is yet another experiment in color, frisket and composition and #7 in the series.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ocean Blue

Once again, Frisket helps reserve what became the orange spaces. Then I could explore the blooms and run backs in the background.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Spring Green

This is the 5th painting in the series and I'm beginning to understand the flow of sequential paintings. Each one gives you ideas about the next one. There is also a relationship developing between the need for spontaneous, unrestricted splatter and the element of order.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Solar Flare

It's interesting to see what happens with frisket and splattering and I am looking forward to the next 8 paintings in this series.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blue Space

Another 8"x12" watercolor for the new year.