Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Salvia in Color

The main focus of this painting is color.  I used Aureolin, Lemon Yellow, Opera Rose, Green Gold and Cobalt Turquoise watercolor paints.
 It's a confusing time artistically as my drive to create has changed.  I'm simply not interested in working the same way, but not sure what to do next.  Although the one thing I remain interested in is vibrant color.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Golden I

My muse left me high and dry for awhile and whereas I still don't feel like painting, it's time to do something.  This painting was done a few years ago with watercolor and acrylic.

Other interesting news is that the 40 West Arts had it's open house this week end.  They are a non-profit championing the artists of the local community.  It looks like a great place for local creatives to get together and has sparked my interest.   www.40WestArts.org

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Christmas Cactus Watercolor

It's a good thing that friends insist that I post paintings that would otherwise languish in the bin for wayward art.  This Christmas Cactus cheerfully bloomed in November and sat quietly while I painted this 8"x10" portrait using watercolors of thalo blue, cobalt turquoise light, aureolion and opera rose. I can only believe the message emanating from friends and the beauty of these flowers is "Lighten up!"