Sunday, December 8, 2013

Circles in Fields, III

It's nice to create using the grid again.  This is a 6"x8"1/2 watercolor painting using reds, yellows and greens and the colors were suggested by my friend, K. The white is actually left over latex wall paint which goes on heavy and spatters well.  I've been looking at composition ideas and experimented with the Fibonacci spiral with the center of the spiral being the blue dot. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Circles in Fields II, a new watercolor

This little watercolor was commissioned by a friend to cover an inconvenient hole in the wall. What better motivation to paint?  It made me laugh during the process and was a fun work to create. Yeah! Done!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Funny how life gets in the way of making art.  It has been a busy time in our household with many guests and the passing of a great friend.  It's been good to paint again and play with the energy of the color green.  Aureolin, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium yellow, Cobalt Turquoise, Cerulean Blue, Permanent Sap Green, Green Gold, Winsor Green and Blue were all mixed.  This painting's sole/soul purpose is to remind me that life is about creating and returning to simple joy. Not an easy task in a complex world, but one that soothes.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Cycle Mandala:2013

Here's a new painting to celebrate the beginning of 2013.  It's a 14"x19" watercolor using French  Ultramarine Blue, Turquoise, Aureolin, Quinacridone red and Magenta, Opera Rose and Winsor Violet. I was inspired by the 40 Arts West call for submission for a show that will combine the healing arts and artwork with a spiritual flair. It's the first time I've created a painting with a show in mind and will submit 3 pieces.
Mandala means sacred circle in Sanskrit, and it can be inspiring and delightful to paint a Mandala.  By starting in the center and allowing the painting and creativity to take you where it leads, you never know where you are going.  During the process you have to trust your instincts and decisions and watch what unfolds.  What a great metaphor for life!